Halloween Ghost Baby Bib

Are you ready for Halloween? This month I am sharing how to create your own Halloween Ghost Baby Bib to add some festive flair to your little one!

Halloween Ghost Baby Bib for September Monthly Craft Destash Challenge from www.thisautoimmunelife.com

Halloween Ghost Baby Bib


¼ yard orange colored fabric
¼ yard flannel
6" x 6" piece of white fabric

small piece of Heat and Bond Lite
small piece of fusible interfacing

Babyville snaps

black embroidery floss


Part 1

1. Using the pattern (or any pattern of your choice), cut 1 bib from the orange fabric and 1 bib from the flannel.

2. Trace the ghost pattern on paper side of Heat and Bond Lite. The ghost should be a little less than 6" x 6". Make sure you are using the Lite product if you are sewing your applique on your sewing machine. If you use a heavier one it can gunk up your needle. Follow the directions to iron the Heat and Bond to the wrong side of the white piece of fabric. Then cut out the ghost.

3. Iron the ghost to the right side of the orange fabric following the directions on your package. 

Baby Ghost Bib 11

Part 2

4. Cut out a piece of fusible interfacing to cover the ghost with about a 1" margin all the way around. Iron it on the back side of the orange fabric. This will keep your fabric from puckering when you applique.

5. Using the zigzag stitch on your sewing machine, sew all the way around the outside edge of the ghost. 

6. For the ghost's mouth and eyes use 3 strands of the black embroidery floss. Sew a stem stitch in a semi-circle for the mouth. For the eyes, use a back stitch to outline the circles then fill in with a satin stitch. Then just add some straight stitches if you want your ghost to be a girl.

Baby Ghost Bib Tutorial from www.thisautoimmunelife.com

Part 3

7. Place the orange fabric and flannel fabrics right sides together. Sew around the outside edge with a zigzag stitch leaving about a 2" opening along the bottom for turning. Clip curves then turn right side out. Iron along the edge then sew the opening along the bottom closed with either your machine or hand stitching.

Baby Ghost Bib Tutorial from www.thisautoimmunelife.com

8. Add a snap to each side of the top of the bib. You could also add Velcro or a button for securing the bib. 

Halloween Ghost Baby Bib Tutorial from www.thisautoimmunelife.com #Halloween #Baby #Bib


  1. The little ghost is just so cute. Great project.

  2. This is so stinkin' cute! I wish I could get to my sewing machines to make this for my new niece or nephew who will arrive before Halloween!

  3. How precious is this adorable little ghost baby?? I love this project, so stinking cute!

  4. joanne.rawson@sbcglobal.netOctober 2, 2018 at 11:57 AM

    That is absolutely adorable! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Hello Fall linky party. Pinned.


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