Do you have a new little one in your life this Christmas? Then this easy yet beautiful Baby Girl Christmas Ornament will be the perfect gift!

Baby Girl Christmas Ornament **sponsored post**
Thanks to DecoArt for providing the paint for this project!
1-3.25" translucent glass ornament
Extreme Sheen DecoArt paint in Rose Quartz
Small jewel stickers ( got mine at Dollar Tree)
Pink, white & silver ribbon in various widths
Sheer white/glitter ribbon
Pink and white feathers
Hot glue gun
Small paper plate
This ornament is so easy to make and looks just beautiful with the Extreme Sheen paint! I was provided with a set of Extreme Sheen paint from DecoArt for this project. I chose to use the Rose Quartz color as it is the perfect "baby girl" color!
First, make sure your ornament is clean on the outside. I cleaned mine with an alcohol wipe. Then I used a yellow sharpie (so it wouldn't show through afterwards) and drew the initial "E" on the outside. Using the stick on jewels, cover the monogram. I also used the jewels to put "19" on the back for the year.
Take the top hanger part off of the ornament. Shake the bottle of paint to make sure it is well mixed. Then pour a little at a time inside the ornament around the edge. Start to swirl it around so it covers the inside of the ornament. Add a little at a time until you have enough inside to cover the entire ornament.

Turn the ornament over onto the paper plate so that all of the excess paint will drip out. This took several days for mine so I occasionally moved the ornament around on the plate so it wasn't sitting in the drained out paint. If you have a heat tool you can use it to speed up the drying process.
While the paint is drying add the decor to the ornament cap. Tie one piece of ribbon around the top for hanging. I used a piece of white/glitter sheer. Take some strips of ribbon about 8" long and stack them together. Then tie them in a knot around the metal hanging part. Put a couple of small feather stems inside the knot. Add a little dab of hot glue to hold the knot and the feathers. Take 2 pieces of sheer ribbon and tie a bow. Glue the bow to the front of the knot.
Once the paint is dry inside the ornament, put the cap back on the ornament. Don't you think the metallic paint gives this ornament a beautiful finish!